What does a shopping session look like?
Because Elora offers new ways of shopping, a shopping session can take place in a cosy salon - your customers' or even your own - but also at a picnic in the park, on a sunny terrace... In short, anywhere you can get a group of girlfriends together and show off clothes.
Why does it work?
Because Elora's stylists are never short of ideas inspiration and design a new collection every season
Because we're banking on materials that are more sustainable and made to last
Because all morphologies and all sizes come together in Elora
Because your customers can touch the materials, try on the cuts and enjoy the benefits of the latest technology your advice in your own words
Because you are free, fulfilled and supported: a Fashion Consultant at heart!

I'm having a great time and my
people around me find me
fulfilled. There is no
never by chance
Fashion Consultant for 2 years
I wanted to
work for me!
Fashion Consultant for 9 years
I measured
the risk of becoming
an Elora Consultant…
There weren't any!
Fashion Consultant for 8 years