Is the salary at your current job not enough for you, or not enough to cover all your expenses? Why not consider working from home to supplement your income? Many people do this in order to achieve the level of income they need. What does it involve? What are the legal constraints? How can I find a job that will allow me to earn extra money? Elora, one of the leading networks of self-employed home-based ready-to-wear salespeople, gives you the answers to all your questions.
What is additional income?
The expression " additional income " generally refers to all the benefits paid by theemployer in addition to the basic salary. This may be a financial supplement( overtimepay, bonuses, reimbursement of business expenses) or benefits in kind( companycar, access to sports classes, etc.). Additional income can also come from an outside organisation, such as the CAF (activity allowance), Pôle Emploi (unemployment benefit), or even health insurance if the employee is off work.
Another way of earning extra money from home is to have a secondary activity, offering your services to one or more companies. To do this, it is advisable to haveauto-entrepreneur status, so that you can organise your schedule as you wish and carry out your work from home, if your job permits.
What are your rights and duties as an employee of a company?
Legally, it is perfectly possible to combine a job as an employee with a self-employed activity, whatever your type of contract (permanent, fixed-term or temporary) and your area of expertise. However, certain professions cannot be run as a micro-enterprise: these include the legal profession, the health sector, agriculture and insurance.
Before setting up your own business, it is essential to check that your current employment contract does not include any non-competition or exclusivity clauses. It is also your duty to inform your employer if you decide to take on similar work to that which you already carry out for the company. Sometimes it's easier to switch to another area of expertise, such as sales, to avoid any problems.
Self-employed doorstep selling is an effective way of making extra money at the end of the month, especially if you're looking for a long-term business. You can build up your network of customers over the months, gradually increasing your product sales and maximising your income.
Become an Elora VDI to supplement your income
Working as a fashion consultant at Elora means choosing a fulfilling profession where sharing is central. Elora personal stylists are at the service of private individuals. Each consultant receives a number of training courses on presentation and prospecting techniques, to help her give her customers the best possible advice. They also benefit from the support of a mentor who is on hand to answer any questions they may have.
Would you like to top up your salary by becoming an Elora personal stylist?
Go to the Careers section of our website to submit your application.